Shane Nelson

Shane Nelson standing in front of the gates at the Ponce entrance

About Shane Nelson

Merrimac, Mass.

Criminology major | Law minor 

“My Flagler experience was fueled by coffee!”

Student Government Association Public Service Committee Head Chair, Mock Trial Lawyer, U.S. Coast Guard Veteran, Campus Recreation Work Study, Undergraduate Researcher (terrorism, policing, criminal investigations, gun control, and use of force.)

Shane's History-Making Moments

Describe your central passion(s) and how you hope to carry that into your post-grad plans: 

I want to further my education and continue my studies at a university offering a track focused on policing and social control. After researching other universities, I am proud to say I was accepted into the doctorate program at the University of Florida. This school will provide me with a path to achieve my goal of obtaining my Ph.D. Having been a research assistant, I know that research is what I want to do. The University of Florida will allow me to do just that, as well as allow me to study under great academic minds like Dr. Chris Gibson and Dr. Joseph Rivera, whose interests closely match mine.

What (or who) helped inspire your passion in this area (or areas)? 

From my time in service, I learned how to operate in critical conditions and as the years passed on my passion for Criminology began to blossom. Soon after my departure from the service I enrolled at Flagler College where I began taking criminology courses. During my time at Flagler College, I made it my mission to learn from my mentors Dr. Bos and Dr. Behl. (Behl pictured below with Nelson at Commencement.)

Shane and Behl at Commencement

Briefly tell us the story of one stand-out memory from your time at Flagler that will always make you smile: 

One of my happiest moments was being able to accept my undergraduate research award and achieve my distinguished major award. It was a validating experience, and I was beyond thankful my hard work was recognized. I’m so thankful for this recognition.

Shane holding diploma

What academic resources, experiences, or mentors proved most valuable throughout your Flagler experience? 

I used the Learning Resource Center everyday… especially when I was taking math classes. 

What is one piece of advice or lesson you learned about the college experience that you wish you could tell your freshman year self? 

I would implore my past self to stay true to my core values and practice good discipline. The road is difficult, but the end of the journey is rewarding and there will be tangible results that are obvious to others. I would remind myself to stay strong, as courage is something rarely seen amongst members of society, few are willing to stand up for their beliefs, especially if they are in the minority. What’s even more important is standing up for others in society.

Tell us about what you’re up to next! Any cool experiences, professional positions, or unique opportunities you have lined up after graduation? 

I am proud to say I am continuing my education at the University of Florida to obtain my Ph.D. This program will give me the opportunity to work closely with some of the most influential minds in the field with whom I share a passion to reform our current system. Dr. Joseph Rivera, with his research in terrorism, and Dr. Chris Gibson, who studies the many variables in life-course criminology, these are both faculty members who I aspire to study under and learn from. I have a shared research interest and a strong desire to learn from such well-respected professors as Dr. Jodi Lane, Dr. Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, and Dr. Jessica Kahler. Additionally, I will be traveling to Japan in the summer with some close friends and securing my move to Gainesville.

Featured Undergraduate Research & In the News

As a distinguished undergraduate researcher at Flagler College, Shane acted as a research assistant by coding data, analyzing transcripts, and contributing to the manuscript preparation with both Dr. Jordan Bos (Galehan) and Dr. Joshua Behl.

Alongside these professors, Shane has submitted manuscripts for publication. Among this research, Shane presented their shared findings “The Impact of Terrorist Attacks on Victims,” at the Academy of Criminal Justice Scientists and ASC conferences. 

Flagler College Gargoyle news mention

Student Government Prepares for New Semester