Cheryl McCarthy
Professional Profile
Dr. McCarthy has taught at Flagler since 2008 and has previously been on the faculty at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. She has seven years of experience as a public school special education teacher in New York and Pennsylvania.
Dr. McCarthy was also part of the Education team that developed a Severe and Profound Disabilities track in the Master’s in Deaf Education Program and served on a committee that implemented Flagler's first-ever Honors Program.
- Ph.D. in Special Education from the State University of New York at Buffalo
- M.S. in Special Education from Purdue University with an emphasis on Learning and Behavioral Disorders.
- B.A. in Psychology, Purdue University
Area of Research
Dr. McCarthy’s area of expertise is serving students with high-incidence disabilities, including learning disabilities and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, inclusive beliefs, and creativity in the classroom.
Classes taught
- Introduction to Exceptionalities
- Classroom Management
- Assessment in Special Education
- Secondary Instructional Strategies for Students with Mild and Moderate Disabilities and Students with Severe and Profound Disabilities.
Published Articles:
The Paradoxical Nature of Academic Measures and Creativity. (Read Dr. McCarthy's article).
More Information
Professional Organizations:
- Kappa Delta Pi International Education Honor Society
- Florida Gifted Association
- Club Advisor for Best Buddies International
- Member, National Council for Exceptional Children
- Member, Learning Disabilities Association of America
- Student Assistance Certification, Center for Addictive Disease
- Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Certificate
- Pennsylvania Commonwealth Permanent Teacher Certification
- Florida Professional Educator’s Certificate-Exceptional Student Education
- Widely published in peer-reviewed academic journals including Creative Education, Remedial and Special Education, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, and Journal of Reading, Writing, and Literacy.
- Project Leader-Democracy’s Laboratory/Florida Department of Education- trained more than 500 educators to teach Next Generation Social Studies Standards to diverse learners.
Office Hours (On Campus):
- Monday: Noon - 2 p.m.
- Wednesday: Noon - 2 p.m.