A lifetime of memories awaits.

Student Life

Students having fun at a Flagler Fest concert
Downtown St. Augustine and the fort

Explore St. Augustine

Working, dining, shopping, exploring, or just hanging out — St. Augustine is the perfect setting for your college experience. 


Ranked #1 best small town to live in the South- Southern Living Magazine


Only 4 miles to the beach


Depending on where you live on campus, it's a 5 to 15-minute walk to downtown

Students paddleboarding
Students hanging out in their residential room


You’ll find plenty of great housing options here, whether you live on-campus as all first-year students do, or off-campus.

Students eating in the dining hall


Make every meal a delicious experience, with four dining choices to serve you — including our beautiful and historic dining hall.

Check out CampusDish

Two Flagler College students

Getting Involved

Joining a group, club, or cause that matters to you is a great way to make connections. You'll meet friends, get experience, and make contacts for life.

Student Resources

Fitness, Health & Wellness
Fitness, Health & Wellness

Your mental, physical, and emotional well-being is key to a positive college experience. That’s why we provide a wide variety of resources that provide you with whatever support you may need, including:

Student Support
Student Support

You will find a wide variety of academic, financial, and technology support services available when you need them. 

Students participating in the Career Expo
Career Development Center

Our Career Development Center will be your gateway to a world of opportunities and resources designed to empower your professional journey and help you achieve your career goals.

Students Fishing
Student Spaces

Whether you’re hanging out with friends or just seeking a nice spot to study, you’ll find plenty of spots on campus to suit your needs.

We also have fire pits, an outdoor pool, and a dock where you can kayak, paddleboard, or fish. 

Student Spaces

Saints Connect

11:00:00 am
Private Location (sign in to display)
Through May 09, 2025
2:00:00 pm
Lewis Auditorium , 12 Granada St, St. Augustine, FL 32084, United States
Through April 26, 2025
11:00:00 am
Private Location (sign in to display)
Through May 02, 2025
1:00:00 pm
Private Location (register to display)
Through April 04, 2025