
Tracy Litzinger

Department Chair of Behavioral Sciences, Psychology Program Director, Faculty Advisor Psi Chi

Professional Profile

Dr. Litzinger has published in peer-reviewed academic journals such as the Journal of Patient Safety and Journal for Healthcare Quality and has presented at national industry conferences, including the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, the American Psychological Association (APA), and the International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE).

At Flagler College, Dr. Litzinger is excited about the unique opportunity to expose young psychology majors interested in applied psychology fields such as Human Factors, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, and Forensic Psychology, especially those students aiming to move beyond traditional psychology.


Classes Taught

  • Introduction to Psychology 
  • Behavior Modification 
  • Forensic Psychology 
  • Human Factors 
  • Industrial/Organizational Psychology 
  • Psychological Testing 
  • Psychology of Personality 
  • Senior Seminar in Applied Psychology 



  • Co-authored a book in 2012 with retired US Airways pilot Capt. Peter DeNucci, titled 'Creating the Just and Safe Culture in Patient-Centered Care: Keeping Patients Satisfied and Employees Engaged'
  • Boquet, A. J., Cohen, T. N., Cabrera, J. S., Litzinger, T. L., Captain, K. A., Fabian, M. A., Miles, S. G., & Shappell, S. A. (2016). Using broken windows theory as the backdrop for a proactive approach to threat identification in healthcare. Journal of Patient Safety. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1097/PTS.0000000000000328
  • Cohen, T. N., Cabrera, J. S., Litzinger, T. L., Captain, K. A., Fabian, M. A., Miles, S. G., Reeves, S. T., Shappell, S. A., & Boquet, A. J. (2017). Proactive safety management in trauma care: Applying the human factors analysis and classification system (HFACS). Journal for Healthcare Quality, 40(2), 89-96.
  • Litzinger, T. L., Cohen, T. N., Cabrera, J. S., Captain, K. A., Fabian, M. A., Miles, S. G., Shappell, S. A., & Boquet, A. J. (2019). A data-driven approach to team training for nurses in a Level II trauma center. Journal of Trauma Nursing26(3), 134-140. doi: 10.1097/JTN.0000000000000438
  • Ketner, C., Litzinger, T. L., Van Allen, R., Hill, H. & Horn, M. (2020). Evaluating accessibility and usability of Flagler College's website redesign. In Proceedings of the 2020 Digital Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association (p. 56). Southeastern Psychological Association.


  • Hill, H., Litzinger, T. L., Van Allen, S., Horn, M., & Ketner, C. (2019). Weird science: Using psychology and human factors to enhance the student digital journey, presented at the 2019 HighEdWeb Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 2019.
  • Hryckiewicz, H., Pierce, N., & Litzinger, T. L. (2023). Science of teamwork in motion: From a student athletes' perspective, presented at 2023 Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2023.
  • Kelley, M., & Litzinger, T. L. (2024). A Psychology major “experimenting” in educational measurement: A real-world opportunity, presented at 2024 Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA) Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2024.


  • Ph.D. in Human Factors at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 2017 
  • M.S. in Human Factors at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 2006 
  • B.A. in Psychology at Flagler College, 1991 

Area of Research

Dr. Litzinger's doctoral research attempted to better understand process inefficiencies in a Level II trauma center by identifying and classifying flow disruptions threatening the optimal delivery of trauma care. Data-driven interventions were systematically introduced to address the most detrimental disruptions.

Her current research focuses on the application of human factor principles in healthcare and emergency response, including teamwork, communication, training, organizational culture, and usability of devices and systems.

Additional research directions include user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design, particularly as it relates to creating accessible web content that is user-centered, inclusive, and equity-focused.

More Information

  • Member of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) National Chapter, the American Psychological Association (APA), and the Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA) 

Office Hours (On Campus)

  • Monday: 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • Wednesday: 11 a.m.- 1 p.m.

Read an interview with Dr. Litzinger here and her thoughts on the popularity of Flagler College's psychology major here.