Employee Directory

Person Directory

Displaying 13 Results

Jack Daniels Headshot
Staff | Instructor in Religion
Staff | Instructor in Religion
photo of Stephen Derrig
Staff | Evening & Weekend Librarian
Staff | Evening & Weekend Librarian
Jolene DuBray
Staff | Archives Specialist
Staff | Archives Specialist
Person Placeholder
Staff | Evening and Weekend Circulation Specialist
Staff | Evening and Weekend Circulation Specialist
Website Profile Size_WayneRiggs-335x335.jpg
Staff | Dean of the Division of Graduate and Education Programs
Staff | Dean of the Division of Graduate and Education Programs
Pollard 125
Person Placeholder
Faculty | Adjunct Instructor
Faculty | Adjunct Instructor
Katherine Owens
Staff | Special Collections Librarian
Staff | Special Collections Librarian
Person Placeholder
Faculty | Adjunct Instructor
Faculty | Adjunct Instructor
Person Placeholder
Faculty | Adjunct Instructor
Faculty | Adjunct Instructor
photo of Jessie Rutland
Staff | Collection Development Librarian
Staff | Collection Development Librarian