Employee Directory

Person Directory

Displaying 11 Results

Faculty | Department Chair and Associate Professor of Management
Faculty | Department Chair and Associate Professor of Management
Wiley Hall, Room 305
Person Placeholder
Faculty | Visiting Lecturer, Business
Faculty | Visiting Lecturer, Business
C. 904-868-8432
Wiley, 208
Shelly Haser
Staff | Director of the Lifelong Learning Institute
Staff | Director of the Lifelong Learning Institute
Pollard 127
Jorge Herrera - final-103020.jpg
Faculty | Associate Professor of Business, Program Coordinator, International Business
Faculty | Associate Professor of Business, Program Coordinator, International Business
Wiley Hall 308
Michele Maletta
Faculty | Assistant Professor of Marketing
Faculty | Assistant Professor of Marketing
Wiley Hall, Room 214
Person Placeholder
Staff | Chancellor
Staff | Chancellor
Christine Rodenbough
Staff | Administrative Assistant for the Lifelong Learning Institute
Staff | Administrative Assistant for the Lifelong Learning Institute
Pollard Hall, Office 125
Person Placeholder
Staff, Faculty | Internship Coordinator, Adjunct Instructor
Staff, Faculty | Internship Coordinator, Adjunct Instructor
Flagler College's Jeanette Vigliotti is shown.
Faculty | Assistant Professor, Classical & Liberal Education
Faculty | Assistant Professor, Classical & Liberal Education
Susan Herrera
Faculty | Adjunct Instructor
Faculty | Adjunct Instructor
Wiley 205